Object: The Crab Nebula
CCD: Sbig ST-8300M (-30C) with Starlight filter wheel
Filter: Astronomic Ha-12nm, LRGB filter
Exposure: L 600sX6 (1 binning)
Ha 600sX5 (1 binning)
R 300sX6 (2 binning)
G 300sX6 (2 binning)
B 300sX3 (2 binning)
Image Processing: MaxIm DL 5, Adobe Photoshop CS5
Telescope : Astro Tech RC8 Carbon f/8
Mount : EM-200 Temma 2.
Guiding : Botd-77 Achromat / DIS2 Mono controled by MaxIm DL(Main relay)
Location: Hongcheon, Gangwon-do, Korea
Date: Dec., 22, 2011